Self love

This was a project that emerged following the continual push of a particular body type through social media. Growing tired of the same images and knowing that both myself and my peers didn’t necessarily fit this narrative, I embarked on this series, encouraging female participants to submit photos where they felt particularly empowered and/or body positive. They were then asked to submit a short quote regarding how they feel about their bodies and the pressures society puts on women.



Too fat. Too thin. Too muscular. Not curvy enough. Not thick enough. Not strong enough. Not flexible enough. Just a few ways I’ve abused my body over the last two decades.

This new series is all about body acceptance and diluting the monotype body “ideal” that pollutes my the media daily.

I’m showcasing women that I know and the beauty of OUR bodies.

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My body was your first home, and I will always be your home. I could only love a place perfect enough to grow you.


Keep loving yourself, in a world that’s constantly telling you not to 🤍 Your body was divinely designed for you.

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Being a petite woman in a society that tells women, bigger is better can sometimes make you self conscious. Through the years, I’ve learnt to embrace my smaller features and know I have much more to offer than my body.



“Don’t be afraid to use your voice. Your thoughts, opinions and ideas are just as important as anybody else’s. When you speak, speak with boldness and purpose. Have courage, be confident and always be true to yourself! Live your life fearlessly! Your voice has GREAT power; don’t be afraid to utilise it when needed. You’re not an angry black woman; you’re a woman who has something important to say. Your voice matters and so you do.” ~ Stephanie Lahart



I haven’t always been comfortable in my body. But I thank God that I can walk and talk and live on my own. Over time I have grown to appreciate this and so much more. My skin tone is beautiful, the sun looks good on me and I love having curves. My hair is black and soft, and my eyes are big and brown and I love it! If I could, I would tell 10 year old Jayshree that it does not matter if you have a big belly, every inch of you is beautiful. I would tell 18 year old Jayshree not to worry about her weight, she has an amazing spirit and is extremely talented. I am beautiful because I am covered in love, self-love, from head to toe.



In school I was surrounded by skinny girls with straight shiny hair and perfect teeth, so I hated my curly hair, big wonky teeth and tree trunk legs (as people called them). I legit thought no boy would ever find me attractive 😂. My legs are now one of my favourite parts of my body - I just wish it didn't take so long to realise that beauty shouldn't be defined by what everyone else looks like.



Many of the women in my family dislike their bodies - I never understood why they were always so conscious of their bodies but now as I get older I am starting to understand, women are taught that ‘loosing’ their figure is terrible, that we should feel shame and pass this on. It’s not their fault we’ve all passed insecurities onto each other as they never had the chance to unlearn the rhetoric but I do know mine will stop with me. If I was ever lucky enough to have children I want them to love themselves always. I try never to say anything negative about my body and already I can see a change in how I treat myself - put some weight on in quarantine and I’m chilled - no problem I’ll lose it if I try and if not that’s okay too I love you body you are great ❤️



Be good to yourself. Listen to your body always and it will do amazing things 🖤

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Your worth is not based on what you look like, stop comparing yourself to everyone and remember all the cool things your body has and can do.

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Being a tall girl is not a flaw regardless of what society tells you. I’ve learnt that if people are intimidated by it it’s their problem and not mine. If I could choose my height all over again I wouldn’t change a thing.

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A note to my younger self- Don’t listen to the people who tell you you’re too skinny. They’re creating insecurities in you because of the qualities in you they wish they had. Your body is perfect just the way it is. A day will come when you absolutely love your body and you will feel so free. 💕

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I’ve always struggled with my body image, it’s something I have to actively work on everyday. I think it stems from years of bullying and dealing with the emotional trauma of that.

If there’s one thing I could tell my younger self is that not everything people say is true and let their negativity be like the water off a ducks back.

You are stronger than you think you are and your true superpower is that no one else can be you.



Everyday I learn to love my body and myself more and it’s not been easy. Over the years people have made me feel I’m not worthy.

All my life someone somewhere had something say about the way I looked. I think a breaking point for me was was being laughed at on the internet.

Reading comments of people telling me I should kill myself definitely crumbled me. Every app I opened someone was saying something. In all honesty It took a lot to even look at myself in the mirror without crying. I truly hated myself.

It wasn’t until I lost weight I was praised for my body and I won’t lie it’s definitely a mind f*uck. lol. I don’t know how to take a compliment after hearing so much negativity. I look in the mirror and I don’t recognise myself. Everything is different now and it’s like woah .. like woah.. that’s me? LOL

The only reminders is loose skin but I’m proud of it because I know I’ve done something pretty cool and in time it will get better.

If I could talk to my younger self I would say, I love you girl you are worthy. People’s thoughts and opinions don’t take them on. Whether you’re 27 stone or 14 stones you are beautiful.



I am on a journey of self love and Ive struggled for years with loving my body or simply the way I look. Since my mother passed in April this year to cov-19, and carnival being cancelled, it impacted my mental and physical so badly I knew I needed to make a change. I'm making it a mission to finally accept and love myself. Life is too short and none of us are perfect. My husband loves me just the way I am now I need to love myself more.



Pregnancy changes your body in more ways than you could imagine. But every change, pain, ache or new shape brings you one step closer to meeting your beautiful baby.